Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Best shape of my life!!!
In the gym 5x week and training for a min obstacle run!! I get tendenitis ever now and again from running so often but nothing that a small brace and Advil can't cure. My surgery was a complete success!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Well That Was Humbling: First Day of Physical Therapy


I thought I was doing pretty well only to realize just his far I have to go. Everything hurt. Plus, I came home with "homework" that is laughable...but sadly, it's also near impossible. 


FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 2014:
I got my hard cast off today. It was replaced by a big, heavy, cumbersome black boot.
It's not pretty but it's removable...that's what you call a trade-off.

I'm so excited that in a few days I will be weight bearing and even driving!

My puny, weak right leg. Is it wrong that I want to cast my left leg now so that I can reduce the size of my calf!?! Better yet, what about a thigh or torso cast?

Today I coached our field hockey game and actually got to "walk" the sideline. It sure saved my voice as I've been screaming from my coach chair. I almost felt normal.

SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2014:
In bed almost all day. I overdid it yesterday. :(

MONDAY, JUNE 9, 2014:
First day driving in to work. I cried after my first meeting. I was tired, overwhelmed and in a bunch of pain by 11am. Sadly, I had to take a Percocet and within an hour I felt much better. I have not yet made it through a whole day without pain medication. 

Friday, May 23, 2014

First Follow-Up: Not Much Fun...But My Cast is Cool

have had a great attitude through this whole process. My husband has been amazing, work has been flexible and my friends have taken me out here and there to keep me from going insane. I've gone through 100 percocets in 2.5 weeks and just started a new prescription. I am doing great...but I honestly had no idea how bad this would hurt. It is no walk in the park. And I'm afraid that the worst us ahead. 

I had my first follow-up appt today. They took my splint off and removed my stitches.

I have a small incision on the inside ankle from the arthroscopy. This was done to remove the loose cartiledge and inflammation in my joints.

I have a 3 inch scar on the outside ankle from the Brostrom procedure.  The scar is fairly gruesome but it's a thin line and I'm sure it will heal just fine. 

My poor calf has already atrophied and looks pretty pitiful. (My awesome Hubby is working from yet another doctor appointment.)

Then I met with Dr Lutta. He was pleased so far. He prescribed more pain medication and said that I would be in the hard cast for 2 weeks. At that point, I will start physical therapy. 

The nurse that set me cast had to position my ankle at 90 degrees. That was AWFUL. I cried and cried. And that's when it hit me that physical therapy is going to suck. :(

On the upside, I ordered Casttoo. I now have the best looking summer cast in town.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Mojo Hit the Snooze Button

7:30am: had a very hard time sleeping last night. My pain is down to a constant throbby ache and it makes it difficult to get comfortable. I think I finally fell asleep at 2am. And then to got the kids up for school at 6:45am. I want to head back to bed but I have a decent work day ahead.

It feels like Monday. 

I also feel like I'm about to hit a wall. I've been very active and my body is tired. I hurt and I'm getting a bit wrestless with being needy and immobile. I met these life coaches over the weekend and I was thinking about them...about the concept of Mojo and positive thinking. Sometimes I think we are our most positive only after we've experienced some downtime. It gives us perspective, place to come from and a place to compare to. I've had lots of up and downs and I know from experience that my feelings this morning will pass. I know that I'm just tired. I know that I will be strong again. My Mojo isn't gone. It just needs a nap.