Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Well That Was Humbling: First Day of Physical Therapy


I thought I was doing pretty well only to realize just his far I have to go. Everything hurt. Plus, I came home with "homework" that is laughable...but sadly, it's also near impossible. 


FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 2014:
I got my hard cast off today. It was replaced by a big, heavy, cumbersome black boot.
It's not pretty but it's removable...that's what you call a trade-off.

I'm so excited that in a few days I will be weight bearing and even driving!

My puny, weak right leg. Is it wrong that I want to cast my left leg now so that I can reduce the size of my calf!?! Better yet, what about a thigh or torso cast?

Today I coached our field hockey game and actually got to "walk" the sideline. It sure saved my voice as I've been screaming from my coach chair. I almost felt normal.

SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 2014:
In bed almost all day. I overdid it yesterday. :(

MONDAY, JUNE 9, 2014:
First day driving in to work. I cried after my first meeting. I was tired, overwhelmed and in a bunch of pain by 11am. Sadly, I had to take a Percocet and within an hour I felt much better. I have not yet made it through a whole day without pain medication.